Let’s Chat

Hey there!

My name is Rachel Small, and I’m a lover of the written word in all its glory.

C.S. Lewis and his Chronicles of Narnia introduced me to the world of fiction at age seven, and I was enraptured. Over the last few years, I’ve also developed an insatiable desire for travel. Combining these two passions, I work as a freelance editor. I call Canada home, but I’m currently based in London, England.

I’ve been blogging for several years now about my freelancing adventures and ideas that inspire me, previously at Freelancing to Freedom. Connecting with writers from around the world puts a huge smile on my face. So thanks for reading.

If you’d like to know more about my editing services, or just want to say hi, please drop me a line at editor.rachelsmall@gmail.com, or check out my website: www.rachelsmallediting.com



p.s. I also love coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

10 thoughts on “Let’s Chat

  1. Hey Rachel, Loving the new blog and going to reach out for that catch-up soon 🙂 Just a questions about how I’m supposed to like/comment on other posts of yours on this blog? Is it me, or are the buttons hard to find/missing? Probably just my tech naivete talking 😉 xo sister


  2. Pingback: Rogue Words from A to Z: On To An Occasion | Doorway Between Worlds

    • Hi there! I tend to drift in and out of blog land, but I always enjoy your words! Thank you 🙂 I’m actually back across the pond in the land of maple syrup. I’m living in Toronto now. I do hope to return to “the island” for a visit sooner rather than later, though.


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